Shipping Methods

Free shipping around the world

We guarantee fast shipping! In order to ensure that you have a great shopping experience, we provide a smooth shipping process. If you have any problems receiving your package, we will reship once at our expense.

Your purchases will be sent directly by courier from China to your door. You will receive an email with your order confirmation number and your shipping tracking number. With this tracking number you can track the progress of your purchase.

1. Please allow 5-12 days for delivery of your orders.

2. Please make sure you enter the correct shipping address and contact number.

3. We are not responsible for reshipment if you provided us with an wrong address.

4. We are not responsible for any import tax charged on your package.


Orders usually ships within 24-36 hours, once your order has been shipped, an e-mail will be sent to you within the next 48 hours reflecting that your order has been shipped with tracking numbers. It will indicate which carrier was used and a method of tracking the order to your door. Please allow 7-10 days for delivery.

5-12 Days Delivery Guaranteed

Once you place your order by clicking on the "Place Order" button, you will see the order confirmation page and an e-mail containing your order number will be sent to you. If you do not receive the confirmation email, contact us directly by, if you want to track your package, please refer to this link: